Why I do Movie Analyses and Not Movie Reviews

 You may have noticed that all of my articles about movies are named "Movie Analysis" and not "Movie Review", and you may be wondering why I do so.

 Well, that's because I see a review as more of an impartial action, one where some biases and personal opinions are set aside in order to rate the movie in such a way that most people can see why it is ranked that way, whether they agree or not. With a review, the purpose is to inform the reader or viewer about how enjoyable the movie is to watch in theaters or at home. In short, a review rates a movie on "watchability".

 With a movie analysis, I'm covering a lot of the stuff a review would cover, but more. I put in extra effort to cover how themes and motifs of the movie are reflected in the directing and acting. This way, even if a movie has a long runtime that is a one-time viewing (but the movie still fills that time with quality content) or has some dialogue choices that may bore the audience (but provide insightful commentary on a topic), I can still analyze the movie in a way that takes those factors into account. In this sense, I'm looking at these movies as an "academic" rather than a regular viewer.

 It's also important to note that in a movie analysis there is an argument and opinion present in my work. I'm not going to completely remove my bias from the analysis; rather, my analysis will be personalized because that's how I'm viewing the movie and not necessarily how you will. This way, my movie analysis isn't answering the question "should you go watch this movie" but is providing my take on why I watched this movie and the overall vibe I experienced while watching.

 With that being said, enjoy my movie analyses and hopefully you, too, will become inspired to take a deep dive into the rich world of cinema!